This ‘toon (22oon) is coming to you at 2:22 on 2/22/22 (or for you folks not in the US: 22/2/22) Just in case you care about these kind of numerical occurrences…
Six and Sebben hit the slopes! (Not to mention each other!)

I heard they might also participate in the four panda bobsled event with their sisters, the Meihems!
I hope you are panda-ing on!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
I hope Sebben wins the gold for that, just to show Six she can’t always get her way!
Right? She did do a quadruple flip on the way down! That’s gotta qualify her for the gold. also showing her big sister she can’t be pushed around. I heard a rumor Lun Lun is making the Meihems pair up with them on the 4 panda bobsled team!
oooooh!!!! I love the snow clothes that lil’ pandas wear, so stylish!! look at those caps ;-))
They insisted on spiffy outfits! They are such fashionistas!