Tag Archives: Lions

The Panda Chronicles Predicts the Nooz Again!

So, my post on Thursday dealt with zoo keepers at a Czech zoo giving their chimpanzees access to Zoom so that they wouldn’t feel so lonely during the pandemic shut down. And then THIS happens! Do we think that there was a diabolical plot hatched between the Czech Chimps and these Barbary apes in Germany? And what about these monkeys in Cincinnati???

I don’t know about you, but this seems awfully suspicious to me! Therefore, today’s ‘toon round up is all about wild animals behaving…um…badly! (mebbee!)

The secret lives of the wild panda!
What goes around, comes around.
You just can’t trust crocodiles.
Ooooooo-oooo-oooo-we have food tonight…
Here kitty kitty…nice kitty…
“We just want to talk!”

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

You knew we were going to do a ‘toon about this, didn’t you?

I have to thank all my faithful readers, who are always on the lookout for actual news stories that might make for good ‘toon inspiration! You all did yourselves proud this time, by making sure that the news story about a rhino poacher who was killed by an elephant, was then eaten by lions. Several of you brought this story to my attention, and although it seemed outlandish, (I mean, who could make this stuff up?) a little investigating on multiple sources showed that this indeed had happened!

It was even mentioned by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show!

Way to co-operate, guys! Well done!

One might hope that people would know better…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

PS: Don’t forget! Our Kickstarter is still gong on! I’ve recently added a new reward, and rewritten the project home page to make it (hopefully) less confusing. Seriously, every time I do this, in some ways it’s like the first time! :-} Go Check it out! Do it now!

3″ embroidered patch with Bubba and his friends! only an additional $12! Don’t you want this?