Whew! It’s been a busy birthday season here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire! It is entirely possible that we’ve had about as many cuppycakes as we can stand (NO! There can NEVER be too many cuppycakes!) So, for this Fabulous Furry Friday we celebrate…
All things CUPPYCAKE!!!!!

Cuppycakes in art!

let there be cake!

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

I have extra frosting!

can’t I have just one more cuppycake?
Well, that was fun! And when I searched for ‘toons about “cake” I found so many that we might have to do this again next week! So until then, remember to:
Stand on your cake
Defend your cake against mommee
Try not to get frosting on your fur.
Panda on and tune in for the next episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse! It’s getting really exciting, huh? Until then, here is a video of a bear playing the piano!
Bob T Panda