You know I couldn’t let this one go by without comment, didn’t you? The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire strives to be the LEADER in the purveyment of alternative facts. Also alternative words. We make up have the best words here!
Our words are the best!!!!!!

We have the very best facts
Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a proof copy of The Panda Chronicles Book 7: Don’t call mee boo boo! And as promised, here is a PARTIAL cover reveal. Heh!

And who might that be, trying to sneak onto the cover of Bubba’s book? Tune in soon for the answer and more of the cover.
I hope you notice the very calming blue, bordering on periwinkle, background color. I thought we all needed to calm down just a little bit.
A small housekeeping detail for all the very generous folks who have contributed to my “support a worthy organization of my choosing and get panda stuff” campaign. I just finished the first batch of printing and doing a small drawing on the first group of goodies. I plan to get them in the mail by week’s end. Any one who donates to either Planned Parenthood or the ACLU between now and the end of February, your prints/drawings will go out in early March. Don’t know what the heck I’m talking about? Check out the information HERE!
And I also want to give thanks to my friends Deborah and Leslie, for making donations in honor and memory of the dearly departed Mehitabel, to their favorite cat charities. I can’t think of a better way to honor my sweet kitty. Well, other than having her remain here on The Panda Chronicles as the voice of reason and authority. Someone has to keep those pandas in line!
Keep Being the bear!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda