Oh dear.
It is Friday the 13th. I hope nothing bad happens today.
We will try to counteract the potential preconceptions of the day by sharing some good news! Firstly, earlier this week Bubba took his first steps on all fours! He was heartily congratulated by Mama Mei, so today we celebrate…
One Step for a Small Bear…One Giant Panda for Bearkind!

#6 is getting ready to make his move!

And who could forget Mr. Wu’s valiant attempts at his first step?

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
And then there are the pandas that made history with the first moon landing…oh…um…it wasn’t pandas? I must have misspoken. My mistake.

One step for a small bear….
And, as I promised, or at least implied, that there was more than one bit of good news, it is this: The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book will be available very soon! Huzzah! I am waiting for my proof copy before I hit the “GO” button, but expect an announcement as early as next week.

Get your crayons ready!!!!
Dearest Cuz Bob T.,
You have made my Friday the 13th bearable by bringing back some wonderful memories, especially with the 1st two ‘toons touting a tiny Mr. Wu.
Thank you so much!
Cuz Doxie
You are most welcome Cuzzin Doxie! Glad to make this day less ominous. (I’m hoping it has no bearing on my annual septic system maintenance. :o)
What could be better than tiny Mr. Wu!
Thanks for memories of Mr. Wu! <3 I love love love Bob's optimism and panda-ism (I can't think of the right word, but panda-ism seems to fit.) Who else would try to round up the panda kindergarten and re-enact the moon landing. Great job! And kudos to the set designer 🙂
I’m pretty sure panda-ism is a word. At the very least, it is a “thing”. And I am always optimistic that the panda kindergarten will reform. I learned it from my mentor, Charlie Brown.
Maybe there should be a contest for the most creative coloring or something like that . I can only imagine…
I think that would be great fun. My only problem is wanting to give prizes to everyone. I will see what I can figure out. Maybe a coloring contest on the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire Fezbook page.
Based of this cartoon of Mr. Wu’s attempt of first steps, liddle Wu wins da “chubba cubba” contest! But I do wonder how his Mommee felt being called “the mountain”? Panna Moms are sooo patient and understanding!
Biggg congrats to Bubba & Mommee Mei on Bub’s outstanding achievement…first steps!
correction: Based ON this …. {hey, I’m a kitten, doing da best me can with paws & da keyboard!}
I understand the paw/keyboard problem. I have it all the time too, plus the Spell Czech always wants to unspell the words I have invented, but doesn’t correct the words I have misspelled unintentionally. Go figure.
One small step for Bubba…one giant thorn in Pinky’s side.
You’ve captured the beauty of mother and cub so perfectly 🙂
Thank you!