A Cubpaign takes a Lot of Money!

While we don’t approve of A.I. in general, you can hardly fault Pinky’s creative use as part of her cubpaign fundraising efforts! Well, at least until Mommee finds out about it.

We are watching in real time as Mittens loses his grip on reality. We should petition any force of nature or divine entity you may subscribe in, to keep us safe until Joe Biden is in the White House for a second term. Stay safe, friends, Panda on!

Be the Bear
Bob T friend to bears Panda

16 thoughts on “A Cubpaign takes a Lot of Money!

  1. Lora Schweikert

    The thing that concerns me is the fact that he has publicly said he will get back at everyone who has been against him in the past. What a vindictive bastard.! It boggles my mind when I think of how so many people still not only follow and support him but also cheer him on as he issues these threats.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      It is terrifying and infuriating and sadly comical, all rolled into one, nausea inducing rollercoaster ride of impending fascism. I believe him when he says he will take revenge on anyone he deems to have crossed him, which by November, should be almost everyone. I really hope we survive this. I can only hope he will continue to pound down Big Macs, with the expected consequences of that.

      1. Melissa Suzanne Fisher

        LOL. But seriously, we need a savvy smart woman to run for office. Pinky can advise, although I don’t think she is one for being “behind the scenes.”

        1. Panda in Chief Post author

          Absolutely agree!
          (Pinky: what am I? chopped liver?)
          Maybe you could apply for the job! I bet Pinky would consent to being in your cabinet!

          1. Melissa Suzanne Fisher

            Pinky: Never chopped liver. I think maybe I will have to come down to DC to meet with you in pawson; want to make sure I am not talking to an ai pinky. Do you have room up in the pink suite for me?

          2. Panda in Chief Post author

            Pinky: um…I has to check wif mommee to see if dere is room in da pinky suite. do you mind sharing wif aunty Josie?

    1. Melissa Suzanne Fisher

      Pinky: I just want to mention that I think mittens will be all out of money very soon … (the sooner the better ….)

      1. Panda in Chief Post author

        Pinky: but dat doesn’t mean you can’t call da pinky line! call now! “only” $1 per minute!

  2. Jeannie Meyer

    Could Pinky run the technology and marketing for the Mei/Josie ticket? Who wouldn’t vote for two moms to whip us all into shape?

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Pinky: okay, aunty jeannie…dere is something you are missing here. mommee is mommee of da presydent…NOT da presydent! dis will not stand
      Mei Xiang: I don’t know…it could be fun!
      Josie: yes! can I lock up my brothers?
      Mei Xiang: well….


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