31 Days of Pandas, day 6, and at last! A new ‘toon!
It was Bubba’s 100th day birthday earlier this week, and the panda fans of DC gathered to celebrate, even though the guest of honor has not yet made his public debut! Thanks to my good friend and videographer to the (panda) stars, Doxie M Panda (my cousin on my mother’s side), we can see some of the highlights (so far!) of Bubba’s first 100 days.
Princess Pinky is looking forward to another kind of first 100 days, but maybe she shouldn’t count her chickens too soon and all that.
Meanwhile, let’s join the celebration…

Happy 100th day Birthday! More frosting!
Tomorrow, we rejoin Mr. Wu and the whole cast of The Wizard of Wu, as the story continues. If you are tuning in late, you can start here.
I would also like to send out a birthday greeting to one of Princess Pinky’s most faithful pandarazzi! Happy Birthday Daniel Reidel. May your lens never fog, may your batteries be fully charged, and may Princess Pinky never grab the camera out of your hands and demand a ransom to get it back. Have a cuppycake! Huzzah!
Be the bear ya’ll and thank you for visiting!
Bob T. Panda
He’s so cute! He looks like a bean bag…
He does, doesn’t he? I love drawing very round pandas.
Oh that Pinky, what a clever little princess she is by testing little Bubba to see what he’ll do for a cuppycake with yummy frosting !! Too bad Momma interfered, now Pinky will have to try something else. Hmm…wonder what ??
Mommee Mei has to look out for her most junior cub’s interests. Especially where Pinky is concerned. I’m sure Pinky will continue to test her brother’s tolerances, as well as mommee’s patience. It is the way of siblings.
He is so chubby! I adore him 🙂
It very fun to draw a very round panda. Bubba wants to know if you are working on a cuppycake for him.
Tell Bubba I wasn’t – but I am now!!
Bubba: yay! will it has LOTS of frosting?
Most definitely!!