Tag Archives: Jane Fonda workout video

Well PINKY thought it was a good idea!

While it doesn’t have anything to do with pandas, as I sit at my computer, getting ready to write this post, an owl (maybe two) is (are?) hooting in the woods behind my house! Life in the 5 Acre Wood is never dull!

Meanwhile, Pinky has hatched yet another plan to cash in on another younger sibling’s adorable self. Will she get away with it? Who knows! The idea for this series came from Twidder friend Boo Boo Panda ( @BooBooPanduh on Twidder) who likes to make videos from the panda cam footage, and put them to music. She always comes up with great music/video combinations and they are so much fun to watch.

She wanted to make a workout video for Bikkie, masterminded and produced by Pinky, and asked if I could do a related ‘toon. The previous two ‘toon postings and today’s ‘toon are the result!. You can watch her video HERE! I hope you enjoy it!

And now…Pinky Presents….

See, Mommee! No tigers!

Hee Hee! Just like a Jane Fonda workout video, am I right??

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda