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Here is a Handy Flow Chart to Rate Your Acceptance of The Big Lie

Hoo Boy, the hearings are must watch TV, if I do say so myself. New s**t is coming to life, floating like a little tu*d to the surface of the crystal blue swimming pool.

As I watched the hearings, I was struck once again by the realization that the damage from TFG’s Big Lie was magnified exponentially by all the people who know better either promoted the lie themselves, or did not squash it like a bug by not admitting it was a lie when they went on news shows or in interviews.

I was inspired to make an educational flow chart, for your edification:

Let this be a reminder that repeating something you either know is not true, or is something you are not sure of, but everyone else is saying it, is the surest way for us to fall into the hands of fascism. I am talking not only about the Big Lie, but also the idea that “the presidential party always loses the house/senate in the mid terms.” That is only true if we don’t vote.

Don’t let half truths and despair get the better of you.

Local elections and state elections matter too. The GOP is running people for Secretary of State and other positions that have authority over a state’s vote counting. Don’t let them win.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda