Once again, the Panda Chronicles predicts…
So, I try to work at least several weeks ahead on my ‘toons (doesn’t always happen, but right now I am in good shape for keeping the pandas running on schedule.) At least I am when I remember to post them. (Friday was a LIDDLE late, but who’s counting?) So let me say right now that I wrote today’s ‘toon several weeks ago and then I heard this story on NPR this morning.
I think this subject warrants further panda satire scrutiny, as does the “commemorative pin for bogus event” idea that our Embarrassment in Chief dreamed up to add money to his coffers. How many people think the sales of those pins will go to decrease the national deficit? Uh Huh. Me neither.
But meanwhile….you never know who is listening.

The Mommee Security Agency is always watching
Panda On
Bob T panda