I did promise you that I had a veritable plethora of panda tales (or was that tails?…no matter) and here is another absolutely true story which, coincidentally enough, is about pandas! Huzzah!
I swear, I can’t make this stuff up.
Today’s story is a tale of treachery, of impostor pandas, of impersonation of their black and white fluffy goodness. Is that a panda I see before me?
Apparently not.
Here’s the actual news story, so that you know I am not making this up. That includes the quote by the spokesperson for the Animal Protection Party. Just saying. Quite frankly, Mehitabel has way too many rights around my house, if you ask me.

Well, it LOOKED like a panda…
Stay tuned for more true stories and the panda kindergarten’s Chinese New Year Celebration coming up next week!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
You are kidding, aren’t you? Where was this zoo, on Mars? Does a Chow Chow even remotely resemble….. You can’t make these things up, can you.
Admittedly, they don’t make the cutest pandas, but they are actually somewhat suprisingly panda-esque. I really can’t make stuff this absurd up. Not even the quote from the animal rights group. Ironic, no?
II love the part about the dogs suffering from watery eyes because of camera flashes. I hope Bob doesn’t suffer from the same malady.
It’s hard to believe anyone actually fell for the panda impersonation. You would think when they weren’t eating bamboo, it would have been a major clue. Fortunately, Bob does not suffer from watery eyes, except when the panda kindergarten steals his cuppycakes.
Now that I have had time to listen to the news article, I find this even odder. We’re folks really fooled by this? The dogs are very cute but the dye cannot be good for their eyes. What next? Panda children?
I do feel sorry for the dogs. It’s hard to know what people will be fooled by, but as PT Barnum once said, “you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but it’s pretty hard to get a panda to do anything but lie around and sleep and eat.” Or something like that.
We ARE talking about the same country where a zoo passed off a dog as a lion, right?
I must have missed that one, but we’re also talking about a country that tried to pass off Tunisian olive oil as Tuscan extra virgin too.
Whenever I read about Alabama politics, I read about China and don’t feel so bad.
Yeah, China policies and politics is a bit of a problem for us panda lovers. Personally, I have adopted a policy of “lie back and think of pandas.” Gutless, yes, but I love pandas so much. Guilty, guilty, guilty.
Rumpydog – this cartoon is referencing an Italian circus. But it was a Chinese zoo that did the dog/lion caper!
It all comes back to me now….
I love Bob’s surprised face 🙂
I love drawing excited pandas.
My inner panda thinks you’ve been listening to “The Music Man”! ;-). Right here in River City.
I love The Music Man…76 panda kindergarteners led the big parade….trouble. trouble, trouble!