You knew that Mehitabel would have to interview Devin Nune’s Cow, didn’t you? Of course you did! We at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire never miss a chance to join what ever punny moooovement is happening out on the inter webs, and this one is just so much fun! If you hang out on Twidder, do head over to @DevinCow and give a follow! They are trying to reach a million followers, just to annoy Devin Nunes, and who can fault them for that?
I mean, if we didn’t have Devin to heckle, I’d have to spend all my time heckling Howard Schultz!
Who doesn’t love a good bovine bon mot?

Moove over! You’re crowding me!
For those (panda) history buffs among you, you should know that this weeks marks the 47th anniversary of the Nixon Pandas arrival in Washington DC. I count myself among those who saw these labeled bears in person (bearson?) in the late ’80’s, a few years before the passing of Ling Ling.
As such, it is the custom here at the Panda Chronicles to replay the cartoon I wrote, commemorating the 40th anniversary of their arrival. Enjoy!

The first “official” pandas that came to live permanently in the USofA
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
PS: you still have time to visit the Bubba Pin Kickstarter project, Don’t Call Mee Boo Boo! Don’t be the only panda fan without Bubba, Pinky, and Ping Ping’s commemorative pins!