…and I’m not behind YET, but it was kind of close! I thought I’d get ahead during November, while I was bringing the Inspector Panda saga up to date, but alas…I took a vacation instead. I’m pretty sure that was a good thing. Tis the season to be exhausted after all.
But now, there is no time to lose! We must follow Inspector Panda as he leads us into the den of the mysterious and perhaps devious Babette de Panda!

Oh where, oh where, will Inspector Panda Find Babette, not to mention Mr. Wu and the panda kindergarten art history squad?
See you tomorrow!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
And where is that adorable Princess Pinky to interpret the proceedings?
Um, no Pinky today, but you may get a glimpse of her tomorrow! She is currently um…”looking into” ways she can sweep the Giant Panda Zoo awards in all catagories. Sounds a little supicious to me.
I hear a *poof* in the distance . . .
Heh, heh, heh…keep listening! *poof*
I know one thing Babette is guilty of – a killer fashion sense!!
That’s for sure!