Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….

Babette at the ice skating rink in Rockefeller center a few years ago with her good friend Frances A.
A Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for stopping by and being the bears, thank you for buying my books and stuff with pandas on it, thank you for thinking I’m funny, and telling me when you think I’m not. (Not that I pay any attention to that, but I still appreciate hearing that I’ve seriously annoyed you!)
The world has gotten smaller and farther apart all at the same time. It turns out that our friends we make here in cyberland, are just as important to us as our friends in the real world. Sometimes we only find that out when we lose one, and then it is too late. My holiday wish is that more people choose hope, peace, and black and white bears over hating and killing. Oh, and that there should be more cuppycakes that don’t make us..um..more pandaesque, but still taste really good.
Which reminds me…

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes! ( Sing this one REALLY LOUD!!!!!!)

And because I’ve been very very very (mostly) good, can we please have pandas move to Washington State?
I hope you get to spend today (and every day, actually) with people you love, eating cake. Hey! bears do not live by bamboo alone!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Thank you for your Panda Chronicles. Look forward to each day!
See you in March at the Panda Convention.
Panda Di
Huzzah! I’m looking forward to it too!
5 CuppyCakes!!! I am singing very loudly – in between mouthfuls of sweets!
Ah yes, my day at Rockefeller Center with the vivacious Mlle Babbette! So sorry for the camera shake, but you know how it is when she’s around!
Yes, things get pretty shaky when Babette is on the scene! She is getting ready for her starring role in the revised “Case of the Picturesque Panda” she is very excited!
No–I misspelled her name! Je m’excuse!!! And I am very excited about the further adventures of Wu and Babette (and Bob, of course) in the case of the Picturesque Panda!
I always assume guilt in any instances of mispelling. :-)))
Babette is very excited too! She hasn’t been in too many cartoons lately. Maybe she needs to star in a parody of Mary Poppins where she arrives to be the new nanny for Pinky and Bubba.
Brilliant! But think of all the repercussions of the spoonfuls of sugar on the kindy, who will no doubt come to help her…the mind boggles
Oh…um…yeah. The pandy Kindy on sugar. Hmmmm….
Oops–even misspelled her name–apologies, Babette!!!!!
Uh oh…did I misspell her name? Don’t tell her!