We’re back, with day 2 of 31 Days of Pandas! Huzzah!
And now, for more from the Wizard of Wu…

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I don’t think we’re in Pandiego any more, Binky….

What could be waiting outside? Where the heck ARE we, Binky?
We are not in Pandiego anymore! Till tomorrow!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Oooo, da suspense! ‘Zactly where are cute Mr. Wu & Binky??? Where did 5023 Panda Canyon Road land??? Biting my claws in anticipation to see what happens next!!!
It’s the Wizard of Wu! Where do you think they landed? (Hint, it isn’t Kansas.)
I think he might be closer to our East Coast Giant Panda Cubbies than he ever thought he’d be!
You can never be sure where you will wind up when a tornado picks up your house.
I just love darling Mr. Wu — being so clueless makes him seem even cuter.
I got my coloring book yesterday and I just can’t wait to get started coloring.
Glad your coloring book has arrived!
Mr. Wu remains my favorite Panda. Don’t tell Pinky, okay? I love them all, but the Wu self has a special place in my heart.