Here we are, almost halfway through 31 Days of Pandas! I have been saving this picture for a while, because I wanted to share it on a day when we all need a little lift, and I think the time is now.
One of the most favorite things about my recent trip to London, maybe destined to be my favorite experience in my entire life, was getting to see original sketches, up close and personal in the Victoria and Albert Museum study room. I first found out that a person could actually call up the museum and make an appointment, and tell them, “I would like to see this…” and they would say yes, and then you would do it – from reading this blog post.
Since I have loved Winnie the Pooh from the time we first met, and that the original drawings by Earnest H. Shepard made me want to be an artist, the idea that I could hold one of his drawings in my hands was something I never thought was possible.
Of course, Mini Bob went along on my visit to the study room, and wanted his picture taken.

Mini Bob, hanging out with Pooh Bear and thinking about a snack
Can you believe they let Mini Bob get this close to an original pencil sketch?
But now, without further folderol, here is today’s ‘toon, where we see the aftermath of Bubba’s overindulgence in cuppycakes, not to mention what a good mom Mei Xiang is….

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?
Panda On
Bob T. Panda
By the way, several people were asking for a poster of Yoga for Pandas. I designed one, but when I went to Cafe Press, where I sell products with my pandas on them, I found that they did not have a good size of posters. But having designed the graphic, I though I would put it on a few other items, while I search around for another way to make posters available. Here’s one of them, and you can see the others here. I’m still working on some Bubba things. sorry not to have them in time for Christmas, but there you have it.
Seeing Mini Bob with Milne’s original brings me joy. Weren’t we fortunate that some adult opened opportunities to us in childhood allowing us to love reading and art. ( among other things. I’ve loved pandas since the 5th grade). Have a lovely holiday season, whatever you celebrate. #RememberOperationHemlock ???
I think being introduced to Pooh Bear at an early age is the best thing that can happen to any child. Long live Pooh Bear!
Poor Bob! He looks so…pensive? Melancholy? Stricken?
He should be exulting, or at least kneeling in reverence … because IT”S POOH!
And, may I add, I hope *your* originals someday appear in a museum where others
can bring their friends to see them, particularly the Pandamorphosis renderings.
Why thank you! (though I do know where you can go see ONE of them.)
I think Bob was just overwhelmed at finally meeting his hero.
How very cool that Mini Bob got up close and personal with an original drawing of Pooh! Perhaps he was overcome with excitement and joy that he went into a semi-comatose state? (that happened to me recently, when I was unexpectedly proposed to)
I can totally relate to Bubba’s surprise in how two dozen cuppycakes can suddenly disappear. When something’s that yummy, you tend to lose track in how many you’d eaten, until they’re all gone.
I’m sure it was something just like that. when you are in the throes of passion, reality just slips away from you!
And enquiring minds want to know…did you say yes?
Mini Bob and Pooh Bear together – simply beautiful 🙂
Poor Mei, she has a sick Bubba in one bed and a very sad Pinky in another. Hope the Meihems can stir up some, well not Meihem, but maybe some healing vibes!
I love the yoga for pandas laptop skin!!
Mini Bob was awestruck to be sitting with Pooh Bear.
I’m sure all will be well at Pinky and Bubba’s house soon.
My weakness in college was glazed doughnuts, the kind that came in a long package with a cellophane cover so you good drool over them all the way to the cash register (remember cash registers?) I would eat them one by one (just one more!) until they were gone. I can still feel the light crunch of the sugar when you bit into them. I weighed about 104 pounds and wore size 4 jeans. Sigh. Remembrance of things past ( but not madeleines or cuppy cakes).
I have valiantly attempted to resist the siren song of doughnuts, especially now that there are so many “artisan” doughnut emporiums. Could you be referring to Entermann’s or how ever the heck it’s spelled? I loved those, especially the chocolate ones.
I don’t think I ever weighed 104 pounds. except maybe in 4th grade. sigh. Now I want a doughnut. Do they have less calories if you spell it “donut?”
I could tell you a story about made lines too. Remind me sometime.
Tell me the “made lines” story when you have time. I don’t think those were Entenmanns (sp?) More likely the A&P brand. (Remember A&P?) Are you a Seinfeld junkie? Did you ever see the episode where Elaine eats a 75 year old piece of cake from the wedding of Edward the 8th and Wallace Simpson and substitutes an Entenmanns for it?
So, the Madelines story is that when I worked at the roasting plant of a Seattle coffee company that shall not be named, we had an employee lunch room, with a fairly complete kitchen, espresso machine (a really good commercial one!) and a big refrigerator where everyone put their lunch. One of the buyers for the stores decided that the freezer was a great place to store about 4 boxes of Madelines which each must have had 2-4 dozen cookies in them. Think cake boxes. Well…factory work roasting, packing, and shipping coffee makes a person hungry, so every now and again, someone would go into the lunch room, and pinch a couple of cookies out of the freezer. Lo and behold, eventually the person that stored the cookies came back to retrieve them, and Sacre` Bleu! the boxes were empty!!!! Must have been mice, don’t you think?
I’ve never really been able to watch Seinfeld. It’s too much like my own family and it makes me nervous.