I’m sorry to leave the bears upon in the air, but there has been so much going on! I hope this will fill in a narrative gap or two. (While I figure out what is going to happen next, and take care of a few other things!)

Bears will be bears!
Be the Bear
Bob T bears behaving badly Panda
BTW I have a new rant on Substack this week! Check it out!
Yes!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Josie really does love her Pookie! Hopefully she and Mei can save the day. Maybe they can borrow Pinky’s wand.
Pinky: say what? what was dat word you used?
Pinky made me laugh out loud!!!
Now Pinky, since Ppj is YOUR metaphysical creation, it’s the least you can do.
Pinky: who?
Mommee Mei and Mommee Josie will take care of this problem STAT! No one can take care of business better than a Mommee!!
I’m sure they will work everything out and um…everyone will be grounded.
Pinky: but I wasn’t even there!!!!!