Let’s see if I I do a better job of figuring out what this story is supposed to be!
It is a sad truth, among we who figure out stories by the seat of our pants, that sometimes what seems like a good idea at the beginning, sometimes collapses in a heap of “well who cares what happens next?” This happened in the last story I attempted. You never know, so you head off with great anticipation, only to lose all your excitement a few episodes in.
Hopefully, this will not be the case here.
Truth is, there are already so many interpretations of various fairy tales, that there are almost infinite parody possibilities, as opposed to a story that was already perfect as it is, with The Phantom Toll Booth. Other than my idea of casting Six and Sebben as the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason (I know, right???) and having Bikkie, Pookie and Frank drive off in a little car, I really didn’t know where to take it.
So here, I offer yet another take, on the tale of Cinderella!
I hope you will enjoy this ongoing distraction from the Nooz, Pandarella!

Josie has graciously agreed to be our omniscient narrator! (Josie: I did not!) And yes, there are some excellent parts for Six and Sebben, and PPJ!
Be the Bear!
BobT your fairy god-panda Panda
I love Mei’s optimism! but something tells me she might want to be prepared for some detours in da pandastory!
Right? Like most fairy tales, this one does not have …um… a long part for kind and loving parents. Hey I didn’t write the fairy tale rules. Don’t @ me!
haha. Love the cuppycake mobile for Bikkie.
Bikkie: I can’t reach dem. dis no stand.
I love Mei’s pearl necklace. And the daddy bear travels a lot? This is a recipe for disaster!
Disasters abound! It’s how fairy tales work!
I like the story just as it is! It’s perfect! Don’t touch a thing. DON’T LET Ppj USE HER WAND!
PPJ: um… how can I bee da fairy godmother if I can’t use my magical wand?