Oh my! I have survived power outages, the beginnings of the goobermint shutdown, and the destruction of the rule of law. If you haven’t watched SNL’s “It’s a Wonderful Trump” do it now! It’s almost as good as “It’s a WUnderful Life” (It doesn’t have pandas, but hey! not everyone can have pandas.)
I am so happy that all of you are here, following along with The Panda Chronicles! It is my privilege to share these ‘toons with you every week, and plan to continue until they drag me away. Hopefully, it won’t come to that, but I can’t imagine that I’ll “tone it down.”
Anyway…let’s get on with the final episode of…
Pinky in Wonderland!!!!!!

Mebbee Bubba isn’t going to let Pinky push him around anymore. Yeah. Right.
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
I love Bubba’s grin. Makes one wonder…..
Ha! Cheshire Bearcat is back! Pinky is going to have to mind her P’s and Q’s a bit more in the future. Glad you have your power back. As long as you don’t use the real names of the criminals you are skewering you should be safe. 😉
On both counts.