Tag Archives: #WeREndangered

Fabulous Furry Friday

Fabulous Furry Friday wants to enlighten all those enquiring minds…

The Panda Season of Love is in full swing, but soon we will all be waiting to hear the pitter patter of little paws. Will they or won’t they? The thing with pandas, is, that you never know for sure until a cub drops out onto the floor, and sometimes even then you don’t know whether it will be one or two cubs.

Pretty cool, huh?

Meanwhile, we have no idea if Lun Lun is interested in staging a repeat performance, or if Mei Xiang, mom to Princess Pinky will want to do it all again.

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

And then there was that whole scandal about pandas pretending to be pregnant in order to get “special treatment”…

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

It was dark...there were men in masks....

It was dark…there were men in masks….AND NOW IT’S HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

And then there is that whole business of what sort of cub you are going to end up with. If Mei Xiang had know what her little princess would be like, would she have continued the project?

Bao Bao is unhappy

I can hardly wait to see what Mei Xiang thinks of her daughter’s latest aspirations….

By the way, thanks to all of you who have ordered #WeREndangered coffee mugs from our Pandyland store on Cafe Press! I’ve added two new designs in the #WeREndangered series, one starring Mehitabel (she does have a lot of fans, you know!) and one for Princess Pinky. During the entire month of April (that’s right now) I’ll be donating a percentage of the profits from the sale of these three mugs to Pandas International! Huzzah! Remember, without pandas, there can be no panda satire!

You are really going to be endangered if I don't get my coffee soon!

You are really going to be endangered if I don’t get my coffee soon!

I can't be responsible for the consequences if you don't vote for Pinky!

I can’t be responsible for the consequences if you don’t vote for Pinky!

Be the bear and have a Fabulous Furry Friday!
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday: #WeREndangered!

Sunday’s cartoon was a lot of fun for me, and not just because of my coffee slinging history. I like it when Mehitabel has a chance to wig out and give the pandas a little what for.

Several people wrote in their comments that they would love to have a #WeREndangered coffee mug too, so I got right on it. I have a very neglected Cafe Press store, where you can buy things with various members of the Panda Chronicles on them. I know it is really time for some updated inventory, but only so many hours of the day and all that, you know.

I’ve long been wanting to design something with the Pandy Kindy in their Fez Mobile (or as I like to call it, their mobile fez-book app) and it occurred to me that this was the perfect place!

What could be more endangered than joyriding pandas NOT wearing seat belts?

What could be more endangered than joyriding pandas NOT wearing seat belts?

Because I love the idea that people can find my pandas here and read them for free, I try not to lean too heavily on the potential money making aspects of panda satire, because, that would be …um…annoying. However, making a little filthy lucre from selling books and panda satire products, does make it possible for me to keep doing this. At least until I get a MacArthur Genius Grant for Panda Satire, at which time I will just leave piles of my books on street corners for anyone who wants them…

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

So head over to the Cafe Press Pandyland store and order a couple of #WeREndangered coffee mugs! Heck! order a bunch for all your friends, and remember, without pandas, there can be no panda satire!

And to support pandas further, for every #WeREndangered mug that is ordered during the rest of April, we will make a liddle donation to Pandas International, because they are actually doing stuff to support pandas (and not just making fun of them like some people!)

Thanks for being the bear! Stay tuned to this station for some exciting announcements in the very near future, about panda princesses political perpetrations!

Bob T. Panda