What with getting ready for our Kickstarter project ready to launch this week, and putting the finishing touches on The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu, we are way behind with everything else.
But here at long last, we bring you The Panda Chronicles Salute to The Year of the Horsie, as only Mr. Wu, the Twinkies, and Princess Pinky can salute! (Does this mean that Wu, Twinkies, and Pinky are the part of the new panda kindergarten class? I think you know the answer to that!)

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!
Uh oh, it looks like Princess Pinky found the latest hiding place for her magical wand. Better find a new, better hiding place, mom!
Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. We woke to snow this morning, almost a whole inch! Hey, don’t throw stuff at me! It’s not like we don’t have our own form of lousy weather here in the Northwest!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Stay tuned for some special announcements this week!
Uh oh! If the princess has her wand, no good can come of what happens next…!!
Be afraid! be VERY afraid!
Even Pinkie’s poor horsie looks scared. Sproing! Sproing!
Sproing! Pinky is unstoppable.
Pinky’s rocking that cuppycake neckerchief….
As you know,Pinky is very “fashion forward” or, at least that what she says. How many pandas (or people, for that matter) can pull off a cowgirl outfit that includes a tutu?
The Year of Pandas on Horsies!! YAY!
Absolutely adorable. You have made my year 🙂
Can’t wait to see what these new panda kindergarteners will do!
I think Princess Pinky will be the leader of the pandy kindy in no time.
Love it!! Pinky is definitely becoming the leader of the pack. Momma Mei needs to enlist help in hiding that magical wand, though. By the way, I can’t wait for The Book of Wu and Pandamorphosis!
Thank you so much for your support. Mama Mei is definitely going to have to do SOMETHING because Pinky is getting terribly out of control. At least Mr Wu was a very sorry and contrite bear after all of his adventures, but I’m not seeing that quality in Princess Pinky. Can you say “will-full?” Princess Pinky returns in todays cartoon. Huzzah!