I think it’s high time that Princess Pinky developed a little bit of responsibility, don’t you? Her mother has a job for her, but perhaps it’s not quite the one she has in mind…

Oh No! Triple trouble for Pinky!
Well, it’s really poetic justice, isn’t it? Not that I would want to be the one to mention it to her….
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Yay! The triplets are here! Poor Pinky.
Huzzah! But not too worry,I think that Pinky is very persuasive and charismatic, and perhaps the triplets may be recruited as minions.
Um, I would not place bets against Pinky. She will turn them into “recruits” in no time.
Have you been peeking over my shoulder in my studio again? I must find those hidden cameras!
Looks like we have similar brains…no hidden cameras needed 😉
Well that is definitely a relief, because…um, you know, let’s just say, fingers…noses…you know. thanks for not watching.
Pinky! And the Triplets! I think my brain just exploded 🙂
I hope it didn’t get into your Keyboard. #BenefitsofTouchScreens
LOL! I managed to miss the keyboard 🙂
Yay! I hear it can be a bear to clean up, even without the help of panda or doggie tongues (actually kitty tongues are much better, not as slobbery and they have a little traction to them.)
And I’m sure kitty tongues could get in-between the keys in those hard to reach places 🙂
See, cats aren’t completely useless. Oops did I say that? I suppose it would depend on what you spewed into your keyboard. Ice cream, YES! Coffee, not so much.
After all, Mr. Wu had difficult moments when Pinky and the Twins were born….
Yes, so it only seems fair(fair? Who cares about fair?) that Pinky experiences some of the same angst. After all, she may become a big sister soon. I don’t know how Wu will react if he becomes a big brother.
Very funny. Maybe it’s time for Pinky to meet the gray panda-CJ. Will CJ get any chance to appear in your comic?
It is possible, although CJ’s fictional self would have to remain gray. I haven’t really figured out a story line for him yet. Stay tuned.
Ok. Thank you for getting back to me 😉