Do as we say, not as we do. Why does that seem to be the subtext for all that the party currently in charge of the WH does and says? Will the latest examples of unlawful behavior be held to account? Seems kind of doubtful to me. But what do I know? I am only a poor little panda.
But now for the NooZ!

I just can’t even.
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
Just a thought Bob, but I would buy a Pinky mask, it would sure raise my spirits & probably everyone else who saw it !! Same for a Bubba & Ping mask !! It would sure help in this Mittens era !!
If I knew a place that made them… you could put at Pinky sticker on the side (not over your nose, that would make it harder to breathe.)
Pinky masks would be great! White masks with stickers on them, We could make plain masks and put stickers on them!
An excellent use for your stickers!
It is 2:40 am., if I don’t make sense, I am sleep deprived because I am still revved up on prednisone! I’ll try to be more coherent.
WEll, it’s not quite that late here, but it is definitely past my bed time. Take care. We have to do this again tomorrow!