Oh yes, the Panda Season of Love has begun once again and panda fans around the world anxiously await the joyous announcements of impending panda pregnancies! This year Australia (being on the opposite side of the globe) is anxiously awaiting a possible perfect puffy panda popkin, but as with all things panda procreation, we don’t often know that something will happen until it actually happens!
Is it any wonder that pandas visit therapists more often than any other animal? (Okay, I just made that last bit up, for those of you who are paying attention!)
But now, let’s get on with the show of encore presentations for Fabulous Furry Friday on The Panda Season of Love!

I hope people haven’t had enough of silly love songs!

A panda by any other name, would smell…well, they would just smell…

The Scottish pandas have had a few disappointments…

I am only making some of this up.
And of course, as noted Pandologist Henry Nicholls has pointed out, wild pandas are a whole different ball game!

Thanks guys! No, really.
So sit back and be the bear! The panda season of loooooove only lasts two day! It pays to be ready!
Bob T. Panda
Ahhh, it is great to be back reading about the antics of my favorite Pandas. Season of Looooove, eh?
Welcome back, Paul! Glad that your internet access is back and all is well. And just in time for the Panda Season of Love! But don’t blink! It’s really quick!
Tomorrow Pinky has a sisterly encounter with Bubba. Aren’t sibling relationships full of material to mine?
HAHA! Me tink those “Nixon Pandas” had you all fooled! See da picture Cee posted to you on Twitter. Me bet Mommee & Daddee hab dis picture displayed somewhere, private. Sadly none of Ling-Ling & Hsing-Hsing’s cubs survived more than a few days.
Ha ha!
I did get to see “the Nixon Pandas” back in the late 80’s, but it took a while before my latent pandaholism bloomed. It was sad that none of their cublets survived. I think a lot has been learned about panda procreation and proliferation since then, and aren’t we glad it has!
Ahem, “Cats and their fleas….???” Me KNOW Mehitabel did NOT approve DAT line!!!
There are many things that Mehitabel doesn’t approve of, around here. All those pandas for instance. This used to be her cartoon till pandas tok over. Fortunately she sleeps so much now that she doesn’t have a chance to protest before I post things.