Wait? WERE we talking about a cuppycake trap? Well, cuppycake trap, perjury trap, it’s kind of all the same thing, isn’t it? Thanks to one of my alert readers, who was the first (yes, Lora, several people brought this story to my attention, but you were the first!) to tell me about this story. Even though we all know that bears that get habituated to humans, always ends up being bad for the bears, who doesn’t love the idea of a bear doing this:
“If they didn’t want me to eat the cuppycakes, they shouldn’t have left them there!”

“I’ll have one of these, and one of these, and one of these, and one of…”
The bear was not caught this time, but the sad fact is, this bear now has a taste for frosting and he will probably come back for more. I don’t know what the solution is. We have expanded where we humans live and so bears are being crowded out of their habitats and the collision (as opposed to collusion) is inevitable. In Colorado a bear who recently broke into the Post office was euthanized because it was his third human encounter. More than 160 bears have been killed because of people/bear encounters in Colorado in 2017.
Um…is it okay that he ate all the cuppycakes because they were vegan?
Panda On!
Bob T Panda