The Iowa caucuses are happening as I type. I hope we Dems can choose a candidate without crippling them. There are good things I can say about much of the pack, and I am truly sorry that Booker, Castro, and Harris are not still among them. I have my current fave, but who ever wins the Democratic nomination, that’s my candidate.
I have not been able to watch or listen to the impeachment trial proceedings, except in small doses. Adam Schiff is inspiring and it gives me some small glimmer of hope that there are still people serving this country who have our best interests at heart.
We aren’t going to get everything on our wish list in one candidate. The important thing to remember, is that I don’t think this country can survive 4 more years of HWMNBN and his band of evil minions.
Meanwhile, can we send some of our rain to Australia?

Do I smell smoke?
I’m working on my lists of happy panda recipients, and I’m hoping that my packing materials arrive soon, so I can start sending out the first group of pandas! I am happily making pandas in my little panda workshop and it is doing it’s job in keeping me off the internet quite so much! Huzzah!
Keep being the Bear!
Bob T Panda