You know how much I hate hypocrisy. Well, if you didn’t, you should. There is all sorts of nasty behavior going on in and around the WH. And I mean nasty in the sense of crimes that would be held accountable at the International Court in The Hague, nasty. And while this sort of thing makes my head want to explode, the petty hypocrisy of the tRUmpinistas is beyond the pale.
We have the descendants of He Who Would Be King acting all shocked and outraged over Hunter Biden profiting from his family name, while they are making deals and getting trademarks and god knows what else because…well, let’s see… is it their prodigious talent? Or MAYBE, could it be that their father thinks he is “president”?
I hope this will be over soon, don’t you?

Oh no! There are no pandas in this cartoon!
Hey! Who wants PANDA SOCKS???? (Speaking of profiting from my connections…)
I got an email last week from the folks who make my pins and patches, and they are now are making socks available! They are one size unisex socks and they are 87% polyester/ 10% cotton/ 3% spandex. There is some stretchiness factor here, and while I haven’t seen any samples, (Ha Ha! It’s only money!) I decided to take a leap of faith and order 50 pairs each of three designs.
Here are the designs!

The Bubba

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten!
And who could forget….

Want to be the first the check out the paid commerce page and get your limited edition socks? Check it out right HERE!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda