Pinky’s campaign to be President is rocketing on, despite the little set back of not being able to sell Tiger selfies at the Zoo. Some people are so unreasonable!!!!
In concert with Pinky’s recently discovered popularity, her plan to print her own money is working out nicely, at least for Pinky.
For Bob T., not so much.

Butter wouldn’t melt in her adorable little mouth….
And yes, there really is Pinky Money.Don’t spend it all in one place.
I wanted to add a special thanks thanks to writer Jane Steen, who gave me a lovely write up in her newsletter this week. A few weeks ago, she wrote a post about how she had written a chapter that contained references to some early John Singer Sargent paintings that didn’t exist. Being a huge Sargent fan, I wrote to her, telling her of my…um…penchant for forging Sargent. Thanks again for your kind and complimentary words, Jane. Not to mention the plug for pandas. Did I mention I have books for sale?
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
It’s not counterfeit – it’s real Pinky money! Too funny 🙂
Well, it is real Pinky Money! I was looking through my pile of most recent cartoons, to see if I have enough for a new book yet (almost!) and realized that most of them were about Pinky. How did THAT happen?
But isn’t everything All Pinky All Da Time?
Great article by Jane Steen. I loved learning about the controversy surrounding Madame X. I especially loved knowing that Madame P features the original “sexy strap” 🙂
I am amzed to see that it has been all Pinky, all the time, as I was looking back on my most recent group of cartoons. I am starting to gear up for the next book, and I’m afraid Pinky has successfully high-jacked the next volume. Well, she is an icon, after all.
I purposefully gave madame ‘P’ the sexy strap. A panda needs all the sexy she can get.
Oh, Bob T., any chance of knowing something about Mme du Panda, embarked on the S.S. Tipandic with the Panda artworks…?
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
I am working on that. It seems that Babette may be hiding out at Agatha Christies mansion, in Devon, England. There has been a communication to Inspector Anda, from the estate’s housekeeper, Agatha Kitty. Stay tuned!