Oh my ears and whiskers! Who will Pinky encounter as she searches for Mr. Bun? Will there be cuppycakes? And just where is she anyway?
Let’s tune in to the next episode of Pinky in Wonderland!

Those little pandas look vaguely familiar!
Be sure to tune in on FriBei as we return with more encore presentation ‘toons about Pinky and Bubba! Huzzah!
Update on Kindle books: One of my alert readers just let me know that amazon will honor previous purchases for the lower price Kindle book if you’ve already bought the print version via Amazon. I hope to have them all uploaded by the end of this month! Personally, I am a print book fan, but so many people who commute or travel enjoy having them to take with them as an ebook. Enjoy!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda