Mei Xiang’s Fantasy, Pinky’s Nightmare!

So, back in the real world, Princess Pinky Bao Bao lives in China, and she has had a cub. We don’t know exactly why her cub is being raised by a foster mother, but she seems very well cared for and lives a happy cubby life. But in the world of The Panda Chronicles, all the pandas live at home with their parents…
And Ping…
And Frank and Mikey…

It’s getting a bit crowded in the panda house!

But that’s all to the good, for all the story possibilities that go along with a large cast of characters! (And that doesn’t include when Lun Lun sends all the girls up to visit their aunt and cousins!)

But the idea of Pinky having a cubby was too good to ignore, and so, we are having another one of those dream sequence thingies, which hopefully everyone will wake up from! As Mommee Mei says….

“Someday you’ll have a cubby just like you, Miss Pinky Bao Bao!!”

Yes, it’s another Panda Chronicle exclusive fantasy story!

Where is this story headed? Well, to be honest, I really don’t know! I think you can be sure there will be some payback for Princess Pinky!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

4 thoughts on “Mei Xiang’s Fantasy, Pinky’s Nightmare!

  1. Jo Ann Alberts

    I can’t wait! So glad we’re going to hear about Princess Pinky and her cubby – they appear to have a lot of the same “Princess” characteristics. Looks like fun ahead! Thanks so much

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I’m totally improvising as I go, but I’m trying to channel baby Pinky for this, and ramp up the attitude! Buckle your seat belt!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Hee hee. That is actually a quote from a friend’s daughter when she was leaving for another semester of college, and her dad was dropping her off at the bus. I *might* have borrowed it.


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