Monday was harrowing. Hurtful things happened. Some can be put right, but others…not so much. Hours crept by in a darkened room, a habitat for heartbreak.
Light beams from a reflecting pool outside the window shimmered on the ceiling. I imagine my friend, following them and being absorbed as pure light.
Goodbye….oh, “G” was yesterday. Today we go about the business of harvesting the hoopla, making headway, healing with humor. Some might think that humor is unseemly at a time like this. Hooey, I hypothesize. To heal, you must happen upon the things that help heal your heart. For me, that is humor and happiness, and of course, pandas. Jude loved the pandas, and more than that, she loved what they did for me. So, Panda On, I say. Somewhere, she is happy.
Today is brought to you by the letter “H”

As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.
Over at the A to Z….my pick of the day is The Ninja Librarian, because let’s face it, could anyone keep order in a library better than a ninja? Put that cell phone away NOW!!!!
Thank you again for all your kind words and comments. My heart is still aching, but pandas, tea (OK, scotch) and sympathy work wonders.
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Beautiful! Just right.
Thank you.
Mark Twain said … (and didn’t he say everything…)
“The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”
Sorry to hear about your friend.
Thank you, Auntie Jackie. Mark Twain said some of the best things, didn’t he? Jude was a big fan of my pandas and I expect I’ll still get some guidance from her as I move through the next days and weeks. I know she will keep looking out for me.
My sympathy to you Panda Bob! It’s so difficult to move forward but that we must do.
Moving forward is what pandas do best. That, and making people feel better so to survive life’s trials. Thank you for your kind words.
Hugs for your hurt. What more can I say? Big furry warm gentle panda hugs. And a little scotch. I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁
Thank you. This has been one of the hardest weeks in my life. Fortunately (really? yes really) there have been other hard times and I have learned much from them, including what will get me through this. Jude now enters the realm of my spirit guides and I believe she will continue to help me through my life. Pandas are a part of that healing process. Thank you for being here.
Thanks for the boost! My Ninja greets your Panda!
Your very welcome. I did a drawing of a Ninja panda, I hope I can remember to post it on “N” day. (he’s very cute.) thanks for coming by. I feel like we are on a virtual front porch with all the neighbors coming by for iced tea and cookies.
A Heavenly Homecoming and adorable, overfed cubbies. Happy times in the Hereafter. Sending Hugs and Healing Vibes your way.
Thank you so much! Grief comes in waves, but I do have some relief. I just sent out a launch team memo. As if I needed any other complications. Must be a Scorpio thing.
I absolutely think that heaven should be just like that. Pandas, perfect hair days and naughty cubbies eating all the cuppycakes.