…Easter! Bring on the marshmallow peeps, the malted milk candy covered Easter eggs, the chocolate pandas and…what…wait…
What do you mean there are no chocolate pandas for my Easter basket. Only BUNNIES????? I thought Easter was all about pandas! and how the Easter Panda brings treats to all the good little girls and boys….

What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?
Of course, once certain members of the panda kindergarten came on the scene, the tradition became more of …um…a trick or treat kind of experience.

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!
Once again, Fabulous Furry Friday brings you the REAL story!
Be the (Easter) Bear!
Bob T. Panda
Meihem2 never fails to please.
They certainly don’t! The only thing better than a panda is two pandas!
Or three! 🙂
Love their Easter basket!
Adelaide chocolatier Haigh’s celebrated the arrival of Wang Wang and Funi to Adelaide Zoo by releasing a stuffed panda with panda shaped chocolate for Easter. Lucky their Melbourne store was selling them. Click here to see a picture of them 🙂
Oh to have a chocolate Easter panda! I am jealous beyond belief.