Yes indeed, it’s true! The official announcement came out today, and I am now represented by Gordon Warnock of Fuse Literary Agency. So it only seems fair that Bob gets an agent too. Several people have suggested that Pinky will try to use this to her advantage, and that I might want to drop out of the presidential race and take a cabinet position. We shall see, we shall see.
So what does this mean for panda satire? It means that my graphic novel, The Pandyland Mysteries: The Case of the Picturesque Panda will get a professional eye and guidance. Actually it has been getting a lot of that for the last six months as Gordon acted as my mentor through the SCBWI program that I have mentioned before. It means that I won’t rush into publishing it before it is ready. I have lots of work to do before we start submitting it to publishers, but I am very excited about this book. Yeah, we’re going to have to wait for it, but I think it will be worth it.
Meanwhile, Bob is ready to give Mehitabel the news, and Pinky…well…she’s just being Pinky, isn’t she?

Do you smell smoke?
Next week, Pinky continues with her cubpaign to gather new minions from our neighbors to the north! Will Pinky succeed in getting the Toronto twinkles to campaign for her? Tune in next week and find out the latest Panda News!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Oh, Bob T., I don’t know if it’s correct to say, but … I find Pinky unresisdible, with that smile… ;-))
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
Darn that unresisdabel Pinky! And who let her play with a flame thrower, for goodness sakes?
Congratulations on securing an agent! That is a major milestone in a creative career! I hope you celebrate with a bootini, cuppycake and/or a fruitie.
On a side note….flame thrower or not, I will still #Vote4Pinky
Thank you! I know this is as much a major milestone as it was getting into my first “real” gallery. I am trying my best to celebrate it to the extent permissible by law.
And sigh…revising a graphic novel is a lot like having a panda with a flame thrower burn up your manuscript. Darn that Pinky.
Congrats, my friend!
Thank you!
Only Pinky could look that cute whilst wielding a flame thrower!
She does have that certain jeu nes c’est quois!
Congratulations on landing an agent!! What an exciting new adventure this will be!
When and how did Pinky get her hands on a flame thrower? Like everyone else had already stated, she does look awfully cute with that adorable smile of hers. At least she’s wearing safety goggles 😉
Pinky does have her ways. My guess is that she got it from Amazon (safetly goggles included…you can get just about anything there) she is a resourseful little panda, darn her!
Thanks for the good wishes. Of course getting an agent doesn’t mean the work is over. It’s really just starting! There are no guarantees in publishing (or anything, come to think of it) but it means I move one step closer to my goal, of bringing panda satire to a wider audience (And maybe getting the MacAurthur foundation to create an award category for panda satire.)
Congrats on the agent!
Thank you!