Who among you have seen the original Vincent Price classic, The Fly? If you have, you may have heard a tiny voice when you watched the Vice Presidential debates the other night. What did the voice say?
Help Me! Hellllllllllppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (said in your best Vincent Price as tiny fly voice.)
We apologize for interrupting Beary Poppins, but really, this couldn’t wait.

Help meeeeeee! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Be the Bear!
Or the FLY!)
Bob T Panda
Jeez Louise Bob, that fly was the hero of the debate!. P.S. I’m in twitter jail again for telling a jerk what they needed to do…. starts with an f… off. No telling when I will get back. Or if I will…😯😟
Sorry about the fly. My perverse sense of humor made me do it.
I am skirting Twitter jail daily. Some people really need to be told to F**k off. Hope they let you come back soon!