Oh, wait, I used the Shakespearian pandas yesterday and though I expected a tsunami of turpitude, I was not troubled by taboos while I tabulated more ways to be tacky. It is a tribute to pandas that they are so versaTile, though rarely tactful. Occasionally they are tawdry and throw tantrums, but not terrible ones.
Today is brought to you by the letter”T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “Panda”

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami
I should tell you about Pandas around the cyber web! On Monday, April 28th, I (in the guise of my non-panda alter ego) will be on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of Arts talking about Kickstarter with hosts Mary Rose Anderson and Annie Horton. The show airs LIVE at 1 PM PDST and you can tune in here. I’ve had three successful Kickstarter projects, and assisted on about twice that many.
Meanwhile, the panda kindergarten is up to their usual treachery, terrorizing poor Mehitabel…

Curse the panda kindergarten!

Run,kitty, run!
Thanks once again to the folks at the A to Z for hosting this blog challenge. Um…how many more letters do we have to go?
Meanwhile, we pay tribute to Bee the Bear, one of the cutest pandas to ever come across my desk.

Bee, the Bear
Ta Ta, and of course, today is brought to you by Bob T. Panda, with a capital “P” and that rhymes with “T” and that stands for “THE”
Be the bear!
So that’s why I find TP shredded and scattered all over the bathroom when I come home. Junipurr was hiding. Are you sure the Panda Kindy isn’t causing mischief in other places?
It pains me to admit that I don’t know where the pandy kindy is at all times. They could very well be after poor Junipurr as well. Look for telltale cuppycake wrappers and bits of chewed bamboo stalks around your house when the TP has been shredded. This is a sure sign that The pandy kindy is afoot. (or is that “apaw”?)
Interesting idea. I’ll have to send the mysterious green stuff to the lab. And I did find a plain white wrapper in the corner the other day. It smelled like vanilla and chocolate. 🙂
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Word to the wise, make sure cuppycakes and breakables are locked up tight. :o)
Thanks for allowing us to Tag along on your Trip Thru The alphabeT. Terrific work.
This alphabet thing is kind of addicting, isn’t it? It makes me want to trawl through my thesaurus to tidy my thesis.
Tsunami painting will be like a Tidal Wave across the art world.
It shall be so!