With profuse apologies to Charles Dickens. *
Yes, it is time for a new adventure/ fractured (some might say bamboozled) literary classic! Princess Pinky stars in her first feature length adventure,
A Halloween Carol*
Has Pinky been a naughty panda? I think that goes without saying!
The dramatis personae (pandasonae?) is as follows:
Pinky as, well, as Pinky
Mr Wu as the ghost of the panda kindergarten
Mei Xiang as herself
Bubba as Tiny Panda (his first role!)
and more to come!

Bubba’s first feature role!
Stay tuned for the next episode!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
So much for Pinky’s change in attitude. LOL
Well, she is doing her best in this dramatic presentation of A Halloween Carol, in the role modeled on Scrooge, so she has to be even more over the top then usual, so that her reformation at the end is more dramatic.
It just shows what a good actress Pinky is.
I am not liking Pinky at all these days. She’s turned nasty and mean, not at all like the playful little girl I love.
She is re-creating the role of Scrooge in our adaptation of A Christmas Carol, so she may appear a little more over the top then usual. Fiction is not always pretty. I’m pretty sure that she will reform by the end of this series. 🙂
Running for presydent is dirty, nasty business that brings out the worst in everyone.
I’m sure Pinky will make an excellent big sister!
I wish she would not get into the mudslinging that seems to be inextricable form politics as we know it. You can be sure that she and Babee Bubba will be on the picket lines if the panda cams get shut down.
OMG! It’s a baby panda sweatshop!
Well, it IS Dickensian, after all!
Hey there, baby Bubba! He’s a strong-willed little guy already, but it looks like he has to be! Love how he’s smaller than the brochures.
Pinky…well, she’s growing up, and sometimes little girls growing into ladies can be even more of a pawful than babies! I’ll enjoy seeing where this goes.
As many of us have cause to know, junior high girls are the worst, as far as the capacity for meanness goes. Personally, I am grateful that the inter webs did not exist when I was that age, as it would have provided more opportunities to torture me.
Pinky will have a very hard time being the boss of Bubba.
Bubba BeiBei. perfect
Bubba is adorable and so clever – babysit – not workysit!
Pinky’s first feature length adventure – I can’t wait!!
I have a feeling it will be an emotional rollercoaster – much like “It’s A WUnderful Life” was.
Emotional rollercoaster: Check!
Adorable and smart babee panda: Check!
WE have it all! Let ‘er rip!
Oh, Bob T., I’m not sure that the role of villain be the most appropriate for lil’ one. It’s a movie, a soap opera, or a function for the Pandakindegarten? Personally, I prefer Pinks engaged in other activities.. she is an icon :-)))
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
She is an icon, indeed, but she told me she wanted to stretch her wings (paws?) in a dramatic role. She feels that since she is so young, by the time she gets done with two terms as presydent, she will still have many years to fill. She thought she might like to be a nacres, and wanted to try her paw at some challenging, and not entirely likable roles. “After all, ” says Pinky, “ebbrybody loves me, so i wanted to see if I could play a villain!”
I love that Bubba (perfect name!) is a little too “Bolshi” for the Dickensian workhouse of mass mailing Pinky has established. (Worky-sitting! Next thing you know he’ll want November 1st off as well as Halloween.) And I am sure Dickens would forgive you—as long as he got his cut of the 1 penny per word that was standard workhouse pay for writers. Can’t wait to see how, like Scrooge’s greed, Pinky’s presydential ambitions will produce a redemptive narrative arc.
I can’t wait to see either, since my usual method for writing is that of a “pantser” i.e. by the seat of my pants. I will let Mr. Dickens know when I get up to the rate of one penny per word, as that will be a big boost to my normal pay.
Gotta love Bubba! The way you draw him is just too adorable for words – especially the third frame with his paws over his ears. I can even hear him grunting at Pinky – he does that a lot in real life when Mei doesn’t position him to his satisfaction. I think he may have a bit of a “Pinky” streak in him. Can’t wait for this story to play out. Excellent!
I am pretty sure that Bubba is going to be a match for Pinky. As I said to someone else who commented, I am something of a “Pantser” when I write these longer stories. I have the general outline (especially since I am spoofing A Christmas Carol”) – I know there is misbehavior and eventually redemption, but everything that happens in the middle is still murky on this end. I am as curious as you are to see where this all goes.
Bubba? How perfect! Did you think of this before or after the naming? Oh Pinky is such a meanie!
Actually another faithful panda watcher came up with Bubba, but I added “Babee”
Pinky is not really mean mean. She is just playing a meanie in a cartoon drama. There is a difference.
“I am just showing my dramatic range” says Pinky. “Mebbee next time i will play Maria in da sound of Bamboo. I don’t know who will play da nasties.”