As with most of the panda adventures, I have no idea how many episodes this one will have, as they are written…um…somewhat on the fly, maybe 2-4 episodes at a time. But A Christmas Carol just called out to me, because of its themes of self interest and redemption. (What? a panda with extreme self interest? Who could you be talking about?)
So, join us for this next episode of A Halloween Carol, ‘kay?

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…
And isn’t Bubba doing well in his first cartoon adventure? In case you noticed that I just slipped a name in there for our nation’s youngest panda, it’s true! I have. I had been struggling with a name for him and nothing was coming to mind. He has been growing quickly from his butterstick origins, already reaching three pounds, ahead of his older siblings at this age.
Alert and faithful Panda Chronicles reader and panda watcher Anne Lane Witt started calling him Bubba a few weeks ago, and I think the name fits, especially in light of his…um…girth. So congratulations for being the first to name that panda (at least with a name that will stand the test of time! He won’t be “little” anything for long!) Hmmm… wouldn’t Name that Panda! be a great game show on the Panda Channel/ZooNooZ network? The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire salutes you, Anne!
Be sure to tune in to Fabulous Furry Friday, when we reveal our cover and title for Book 6 of The Panda Chronicles! And don’t forget to come back next Sunday for Episode 3 of A Halloween Carol!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Love Bubba’s little wave to Pinky. Shows he has no hard feelings, right? He’s four pounds now! He’s gone from a cuppycake to a pound cake.
Bubba is a very good natured little panda. He knows that deep down (really deep down) his big sister loves him.
“Pound cake” – I LOVE IT!!!
I didn’t even see him tucked under Mei’s arm as she walked away. Very cute!
Hee hee. I love me them little details!
Expect to see lots of Bubba in the coming months. I do love to draw the littlest pandas!
Bubba is a real sweetie pie but smarter than Pinky imagines him to be. She’d better watch out because Bubba will soon be bigger than she is and a force to be reckoned with.
I am picturing Bubba as something of an intellectual, gaining power through smarts, not petulance. He will be the perfect foul to Pinky’s plans. She would be wise to get him on her side, rather than oppress him. Will she learn that lesson in time? Who knows.
As a dyed in the wool “pantser*”I don’t even know!
*one who plots by the seat of one’s pants.
Intellectual? Well maybe but at the rate he’s growing, he will achieve power just by sitting on the opposition…
Ha ha! True, dat.
I’m yawning after… reading… this chapter…
Loving Pinky (and her bedroom), she is da boss!!! #PinkyRules #Vote4Pinky
Naps are good….yawnnnnn…does reading the word “yawn” make people yawn?
of course!! see Pinky yawns… makes us … start to … yawn … Zzzzzzzzz
Pinky is a shoo-in for a Pandy award with this performance. Such emoting! Oh, but little Bubba is a scene stealer with that cheeky little wave, only while safe in mommie’s arms of course! What is that old saying about acting with babies and animals? Must be double when working with a baby panda. I’m hoping Part 3 includes a catchy musical number so that I can stop step-kicking down the halls at work while singing “If I were a Panda!”
Feel free to sing “If I were a Panda” all day at work, especially while skipping. Um… we are not responsible for any reactions by your co-works, including, but not limited to: throwing things, yelling, or calling the men in white coats to take you away.
Unfortunately, this is not a musical, but…hey! now that you mention it, it could be!
Love Bubba grinning and waving because Mommee’s on his side! (But I know she’ll be fair to Pinky when they have more disputes.) Pinky looks so cute and innocent when she’s sleepy.
They all look innocent when they are asleep. I think Bubba will be a force to be reckoned with, and in very short order.
I love a petulant Princes Pinky! Bubba is so adorable, nestled in his mom’s paw and waving goodbye to big sister. Glad to see the bunny slippers and Mr Bun.
Will the Princess be having sweet dreams? 🙂
Pinky’s dreams will be less than sweet. She has been a naughty girl, and the spirit world knows it, and has decided to take action.
Oh I can hardly wait for this one!
It has arrived! I just got word from someone that it’s up on Amazon! Huzzah!
Isn’t it great when a reader names your latest character? “Bubba” is a very fitting name.
Yes it is. At the very least it allows me plausible deniability. Plus, I think the name is very prescient. He is already over 7 pounds and growing in leaps and bounds.