…and not only is it 31 Days of Pandas: Day 19, it is also Fabulous Furry Friday! Huzzah! There are only a few more episodes of Inspector Panda’s first full length mystery, The Case of the Picturesque Panda, and I have a question for everyone.
What would you think if I released it as an e-book, as a short work all by itself? Would this be of interest to anyone? Write me in the comments as an informal poll. Eventually it will be published in an all Inspector Panda print book of the Panda Chronicles, but it will take a while before I have enough new Inspector Panda pages to do that.
Meanwhile, Babette is hatching the next part of her plan….

Getting out the back, Jack….
And meanwhile, on The Cuppycake Cookbook front, here is another version of the Princess Pinky Cuppycake!

Good enough for a princess to eat!
Until tomorrow,
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
I would love to have a compilation of the history of Minette, in any format. More willing if lil’ Pinky is implicated along the cartoon ;-))
Pinky is ALWAYS implicated in any mischief. Stay tuned. I’ll put it together after I’m done with 31 Days of Pandas, and then let everyone know when it’s available.
Remember Helen Gurley Brown? Well, here is a quote from her, via Nora Ephron…”You’ve got to make yourself more cupcakable all the time so that you’re a better cupcake to be gobbled up”. ( Somehow I don’t think this fits our Pinky’s worldview.)
Does it date me to say I know who HGB is? Ah, well, just knowing the Nixon Pandas gives everyone a clue to my age. Somehow I can’t think it’s a bad thing to be more cuppycake like, but maybe I just want to eat the frosting.
And how can I disagree with anything Nora Ephron said?
Even making a getaway, Babette still looks fashionable and stunning.
I’ll take Inspector Panda in any form I can get him so I would love an E-Book!
Well if Princess Pinky doesn’t eat that cuppycake I sure will 🙂
Okay, that settles it. I’m going to do a little ebook of Inspector panda. Look for it sometime in January. One of my goals for the next year is to be more regular in my email newsletter. I have been woefully negligent with it.