…in the boo(tini)…
The other day, one of Princess Pinky’s official photo-chroniclers photographed some children blowing giant soap bubbles somewhere in the area, and this gave me an idea….Pinky as bubble girl….

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?
I wonder where she’ll land?
Meanwhile, thanks to all who delved into their art history knowledge (or Google) to identify correctly, the painters who immortalized Minette (the panda formerly known as Mei Mei) in Paris in the late 1800’s. Our winners are Cyndi A., Laura S., Sandra P., Sue D., and DoxieDad. An only partially eaten cuppycake goes to Barb B. for making a valiant attempt at the correct answers. Welcome to the Roll of Honor!
Stay tuned when we return next Wednesday for the newest Inspector Panda Episode.
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
DoxieDad. Yay!!!
Yay indeed! (Doxiemom helped too) Huzzah!
Am thrilled to get a partially eaten cuppycake!!!
um…or a picture of one……(frosting doesn’t travel well, you know!)
Huzzah-the quiz made for a delightful afternoon of exploring my art history roots!
Huzzah! Makes me wish I didn’t sleep through so many classes. Well, obviously something sunk in, plus…um…google.
Her bubble can land in my yard! I promise to take her back to the zoo… eventually.
I know you will Sandra, but it would not be very hospitable if you didn’t invite her in for cuppycakes and boo-beer before you head back to the zoo, now would it? Maybe a screening of Kung Fu Panda before she goes? Just sayin.
Uh oh!
Uh oh, indeed! Where will Pinky land?
Congratulations to the winners of what was a really fun and informative quiz!!
But now to the Perils of Princess Pinky!
Where will she land? Could that bubble travel all the way to Australia? I doubt it but I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my kitchen stocked with cuppycakes – just in case 🙂
We will have to check the prevailing winds. Best to be prepared with lots of cuppycakes!
Come back, Pinky!
:o) Up, up and away………
Poor Pinky! She looks frightened and Mei looks upset. You’ll need to let us know soon that she landed safely – and where. BTW – I bought The Book of Wu and Pandamorphosis – which completes my collection of all your books – so far. They are delightful. Can’t wait for the next one – maybe “Pinky and the Twinkies?”
Don’t worry about Pinky (well, OK, you can worry, but know that no matter how dire their situation might seem, I never let anything really bad happen to any of my pandas.) Part of story telling is making trouble for your characters, or so my friend Deb tells me.
The next book should be ready sometime around October. If you are new around here, I will tell you how my books get made. I keep writing and posting new stories until the pile of original drawings reaches the top of my flat file drawer where I keep them. Then I know I have enough comics for a new book. Mr Wu got his own book, because he was the only cub born in the US in 2014, so he got a lot of attention. Pinky and the Meihems may have to share a book (PINKY! No pouting!) because they shared their birth year. Once I have enough cartoons, I take all the individual drawings and put them in story orders that make sense. It is entirely likely that Pinky and the Meihems will each get their own “chapter” in Book 5. I am saving the Inspector panda stories for their own book, but that will probably take me at least a year to accumulate enough. I’m trying to write those as one graphic novel story line.
Thank you so much for buying my books! I love the idea that “my” pandas are invading homes around the world. Huzzah!