Over the past couple of months, the friends of Bubba (and Pinky! Don’t forget Pinky!!!!!) have been posting many adorable photos of our nation’s littlest panda as he explores the great outdoors. Recently (Linda G?) someone posted at photo of him admiring his reflection in one of the viewing windows, which naturally inspired this ‘toon.

My! You are quite the good looking fellow!
Meanwhile, back at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire Headquarters, I am hard at work on my graphic novel, tentatively titled The PandyLand Chronicles: The Case of the Picturesque Panda. When a mysterious panda enters the office of Inspector Panda, with a tale of late 19th century Parisian pandas, he must rely on his clever assistant Wu to help sort truth from fiction. Especially when it comes to the wily Babette de Panda. Was her great great great great great great grandmama truly the most sought after painters’ model of the Paris Impressionists? Or does Babette have a more sinister reason for wanting to find this painting? Think of The Maltese Falcon, except with pandas.
As those who have been following along for a while know, this story started out as a long cartoon with multiple episodes, starring Inspector Panda. As I am now trying to convert it into a graphic novel, geared toward middle grade readers, there have been many changes. The story now focuses more on the junior pandas, it is much longer, and I am doing illustrations in color. I really have no idea how long this will take me to complete, but you can find the news here as its path carries on and the drawings develop. Most enticing is that it gives me the opportunity to do even more panda versions of famous Impressionist paintings, and what could be wrong with that? (Note to Art Historians: please don’t answer this question.)
Till next time,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
How are Pinky’s political ambitions coming along? I see the birds have joined Bernie’s campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=vhezYYiTUm0 I was just wondering if Pinky or Bob have enlisted any of the animal kingdom?
Pinky has mostly been courting the panda vote as she hardly acknowledges that there even are any other species. Not unlike some candidates I could name.
Meanwhile, as I make my contingency plans if my worst political nightmare should come to pass, I had a brilliant idea! Maybe the whole of Washington state (or even just the part west of the cascades) could secede from the US and become Lower British Columbia! Pretty cool huh? I could move to Canada and take my house with me. No packing required!
Pinky would be lost in Canadian politics – too polite.
But then she would win, right?
Nah, we usually elect the most polite candidate. 😀 Pinky has some ways to go.
Oh, Bob T., I love so much the small details in these cartoons !! as Pinky’s tiara is reflected in the glass … I always look first to lil’ princess… adoring Pinky :-)))
of course, I continue to learn and improve my English with these comics…
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
I never thought of my cartoons as something that might help someone learn English, but then people have been learning English from watching television for decades. Um…not all of my spelling, especially for the junior pandas, is standard English. 🙂
And I love using visual details to enhance and advance the story. Thanks for noticing!
All hail Princess Pinky!
I love how it always ends with Mei Xiang yelling PINKY
Funny, isn’t it, how often that seems to be the case.
That just cracked me up! So cute, and I love when you draw from things you see your characters’ inspirations do in real life!
And of course,manother chapter from The Sibling Torture Handbook!
Glad you liked it!
Love all the different mirror angles – so much to see 🙂
I love your panda Impressionist paintings. Can’t wait to see more!!
Now it will be next week before I get mu newsletter out. Darn cold!
I hate getting colds. It takes me so long to get over them. Hopefully Mehitabel is taking care of you.
I think she is sort of annoyed with me as I disrupt her sleep with my incessant coughing, but it is starting to subside. I feel better but sound worse. This too shall pass.