Somehow I got out of sync with my ‘toons, and left the tail end of this story (that was a pun, get it? Tail end?) hanging while we wrapped up the second Panda Pin project! We’ll be doing a third one this summer, to celebrate that cubby among cubbies, the one true Wu Self!
But first, I have a bunch of organizing to do, along with the making of lists, the ordering of pins, and the gathering of information. If you missed the Bubba and Ping Ping Pin projects, hold on to your cuppycakes. after I get all the Kickstarter pins sent out, I can field requests from here or you can wait till the next project to catch up, sometime around late June.
Thanks again to all who participated!
Meanwhile, don’t turn your back on those lions!

If you go out in the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise!
Be the Bear!
Bob T panda