There has been great rejoicing in Panda-ville this week! Panda triplets have been born in China and three weeks later all are still surviving. Princess Pinky Bao Bao’s 1st birthday approaches, the Atlanta Meihem sisters have turned one year old, as has Bai Yun’s great granddaughter, Princess Dumpling, resident of Taipei. And let us not forget Mr. Wu who has just turned two!
Not only that, I am up to Episode 10 in Inspector Panda’s mystery! Huzzah! In honor of all the Panda happiness going around, I am going to post the ENTIRE SERIES SO FAR, so that you don’t have to go linking about, possibly missing an episode or three along the way.
So, without further ado, here’s Inspector Panda (start nourish music soundtrack here:)

If “trouble” ever had a proper name, that name is Babette de Panda…

When a panda has a problem, you know where to turn…Inspector Panda, I presume.

…and so the story begins…

…of a young panda’s arrival in France, and all that followed…

Why DOES Mr Wu have a piece of tape on his right ear?

Let’s see who stayed awake during art history classes!

Oh, that Mr Wu is a clever little bear! Is Madame du Panda trying to pull a fast one?

Is this plot thickening, or what?

I don’t know about you, but I think this document is VERY suspicious!

Mr Wu observes an interesting detail….

Mr Wu is still skeptical of Babette’s story…

“fuggedabout the bleeping tape!”

Oh that Babette!

Inspector Panda: the bear with the clues…

The search for clues begins…

…but Mr Wu still has a lot to learn when it comes to detecting.
Many thanks to panda fans who are enjoying and sharing panda satire around the inter-webs! Keep up the good work. Also a sincere pandy welcome to Anna and hubby Patrick, new Panda Chronicle fans that I met whilst at a family wedding on Whidbey Island last weekend. Yes! That’s you!
See you all on Friday (of the fabulous furry variety!) when we have a special tribute to Pinky, in celebration of her upcoming birthday! Huzzah!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda