Tag Archives: Denvin Nunes’ Cow

Stop the #HumorDeficit !!!!!

Here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we have become aware of the growing humor deficit in this country and around the globe. Dis! Will! Not! Stand!!! If you are in any doubt that we need to laugh, almost as much as we need food, clean water, and shelter, look no further than last week’s TwitterQuake with Devin Nunes’ Cow. After declaring that he would sue both Twitter itself and 2 parody accounts for making fun of him (wah wah wah) Devin Nunes’ was chagrined to learn that his cow’s Twitter account surged from just over 1000 followers to over 629,000 in less than a week, thanks to the attention his lawsuit brought to it.

His cow’s following is more than 200,000 more than Devin’s and still growing. If nothing else, the number of very funny (if silly) puns being tweeted in support of said cow shows that people have all this pent up humor looking for a place to release it. But of course, those of you who follow The Panda Chronicles are already well aware of the need for humor, particularly in the dark times we are now living in, and the darker times ahead. Still, I do love a good bovine bon mot!

Speaking of the need for humor, here are some pandas!

If you think that maybe elephants never forget, they have nothing on pandas.

Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?

The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

Of course, the #PandaSeasonofLove does have a few twists and turns…

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

“They’ll never catch me!”

“Do you know who I am????” Yeah, we do.

Pinky needs stuff and she needs it now!

Real Panda Update: Panda fans in DC (and indeed, around the world) are happy to note that Mommee Mei appears to be ready for the #PandaSeasonofLove! Lets hope there is a cubby (or two) in her future! also, it appears to be #ThePandaSeasonofLove in Calgary too!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

BTW: if you are looking for a great read, I can highly recommend Samira Ahmed’s latest book Interment. It’s a gripping story that addresses the current and potential political reality so many people are facing right now. With echoes of Anne Frank’s Diary, 1984, and The Handmaid’s Tale, this book is not a comedy. It is, however, an excellent read and you won’t be able to put it down. I know that lovers of pandas tend toward the compassionate side of the scale, and this book will add to that, I think. Tell me what you think!