Once again, the panda kindergarten stages their annual Chinese New Year’s pageant, this year we salute the Year of the Sheep! I know! I know! Are you already picturing little chubby panda kindergarteners dressed up as fluffy little sheep? I know I am.
Of course, in some interpretations, it is The Year of the Ram or the Year of the Goat.
Just saying.

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!
Really, there is nothing cuter than an upside down panda. Except maybe an upside down panda in a sheep costume.
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
Pinky is adorable and ‘unresisdabel’ dressed little shepherdess. Loving all ’bout Pinky all the time :-))
And I think poetic justice has been served, if, as you may recall, Pinky…um”disrupted” last year’s pageant. And yes, she is unresisdabel.
I was certain it was the Year of the GOAT… but I simply cannot resist pandas in sheep costumes!!!!! 😀
I’m sure that YOU thought that. Actually, we are both right, I have seen it listed as the year of the sheep, the year of the ram and the year of the goat. I just decided to go with sheep because…well, pandas in sheep costumes, of course!
For pandas in sheep costumes EVERY year should be the year of the sheep (except the year of the Panda naturally… When is that again?) 😉
Oh, sure. Rub it in that there is no “Year of the Panda” and why is that anyway? I thought pandas in bunny suits were pretty cute, but they are nothing compared to pandas in sheep costumes. It will come in handy for the icky years like Year of the Snake and Year of the Rat. Just saying. The pandas went on strike for year of the snake, but they really liked the Year of the Dragon. (Fire damage all taken care of, thanks for asking.)
Aha…bears in sheeps’ clothing! Pinky is becoming quite the performer. Love her Shepardess Dress and the crook. Did Mei Xiang get any photos?
Mei took so many pictures she filled up an entire photo card! She getting them sorted out now, to get ready to post to her Fezbook page. Pinky is a natural on stage. That panda has presence!
Pinky looks fabulous as a shepherdess. She is so cute!
It’s not double trouble but triple trouble!!!
She does know how to rock her wardrobe. Is there anything that Pinky can’t do? It will be interesting to see how she copes with the next panda kindergarten class…not only the triplets, but the possibility of a sibling (or two!…since Mei had twins last time, it’s possible she could again. With hopefully both surviving this time!)