Well, if I am going to live in my imagination, why shouldn’t I imagine that Bill Watterson had read of the panda kindergarten’s dastardly kidnapping deed, and took the appropriate measures for revenge. Of course, I would expect no less than that the revenge would be perpetrated on the “grown-ups” (such as they are.)

He who laughs last, laughs…um…last.
Huzzah for the panda kindergarten. (What…surely you don’t think that I am a grown-up…get real.)
Keep being the bear!
Panda On
Bob T. Panda
I think I am a poop head. I’m certainly not a grownup….uh…am I???
if you think that the panda kindergarten is funny, you are definitely not an adult. Um…since i wrote what they say, I am not one either.
Poor Bob. He has no idea what revenge has been unleashed! That one Meihem twin’s smile does not give me warm and fuzzy feelings….!!!
Um…I’m sure she is trying to be good. Maybe these books will help them with their reading skills and..um..maybe what NOT to do…
I’m dreaming, aren’t I?
Of Cat And Mice – love it 🙂
Smiling Twinkie – Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!!
Yes, be very afraid!