Yes, we are back with episode 4 of The Case of the Picturesque Panda. If you’ve missed the first three episodes, you can see Episode 1: here, Episode 2: here, and Episode 3: here. And for a little bit of Art Historical (or is that art hysterical?) background on pandas that modeled for the impressionists, see last Friday’s post.
And now for today’s feature presentation:

Why DOES Mr Wu have a piece of tape on his right ear?
By the way, pandas are still rampaging around the interwebs, most recently Pandamorphosis was reviewed by Henry Nicholls, author of The Way of the Panda, on his Animal Magic blog at The Guardian.
More pandas around the block:
Kirby Larson’s Kirby’s Lane: Friday June 13, 2014
June 9th on Cordelia Calls it Quits, and
June 11th on Cordelia’s Mom, Still
Stay tuned for more from Inspector Panda next week as he asks searching questions, such as, “Why do you have a piece of tape on your ear?” Also coming up, more from princess Pinky in her new role as leader of the panda kindergarten!
Even destitute Mei Mei is a striking figure. Hope the little mouse fares well too.
Rather “odilesque-esque” wouldn’t you say? No wonder she caught the eye of some artists of the day….
Well I had to look the word up but yes – definitely 🙂
That review in the Guardian is splendid! Nice to have some extra recognition. I’m dying to know why Wu has tape on his ear. Hmmmm!
Yes, it was very fun to read about myself in Henry Nicholl’s Guardian post. Henry discovered the Panda Chronicles while he was working on his most excellent book, The Way of the Panda, which we have shamelessly exploited for embarrassing information about pandas.
As to the tape on Mr Wu’s ear…well, we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we? Bwahaha!