Frank and Mikey are mad as heck and they’re not going to take it anymore. I actually saw an ad for a *cringe* *gasp* TRUMPY Bear (I kind of threw up a little bit as I wrote that!) which was much as you would imagine it. I poor little teddy bear in a ridiculous suit with bad hair. Maybe it didn’t have a suit, but it definitely had a ludicrously long red tie and bad hair.
There ought to be a law against desecrating bears! Ha ha! I suppose some people might think I desecrate bears too.
Read on after today’s toon for news of some special edition holiday pandas!

This is an even worse assault on bears than that bumper sticker was!
Halloween pandas have arrived!
Don’t wait to order these mysterious cuties! They’ll only be available through October. I’ll do my best to get them to you in time for the holiday, but to be sure to get them before the witching hour, order by September 15th. I’ll do them in order that I receive YOUR order, so please order through the form on the Buy Stuff With Pandas page.

Pretty scary, huh?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda