It kind of makes sense that it COULD have been the National Zoo Director, as he’s been calling Pinky’s mom a LOT lately. But it wasn’t. So if it isn’t the zoo director calling Mei Xiang, then just who is it?
It’s way, WAY, better than that.
After all, this is now allowed….

This number is unlisted….
Oh my. what has Pinky done now?
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Nooooooo! I canβt wait!! What has Pinky done? Tell me now!!! Love her door sign π
I adore Mei Xiang. That furrowed brow, those concerned eyes, that unlisted number.
Um….I think perhaps Pinky made an un authorized stop while on a tour at……
Oh my. You have to know that Bearick Obeara has been taking care of business in his own way lately. It doesn’t surprise me that he would call if Pinky misbehaved. Don’t be surprised if he shows up personally as he has been just hopping on Bear Force One and going where he wants lately. He’s been doing everything from dancing to bursting spontaneously into song. Looks good on him. π
I am sure that someday, when he isn’t quite so busy, that he and Mei Xiang will sit down together, maybe with a boo-beer and laugh about this. Pinky is already thinking about how she will customize Bear Force One, so that it looks good with all her pink outfits. Meanwhile, Mommee has a beary big head ache, and it is probably going to get bigger.
Uh-oh! I’ll bet Malia and Sasha wouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to give Pinky back, if in fact our Pinky broke character and made an unauthorized stop elsewhere in DC. Can’t wait to see where this goes!
I think Malia and Sasha are probably already great friends of the small black and white princess. They have been photographed visiting Pinky’s relatives in China, so we know they are panda fans.
It is possible that Pinky has promised them they can come and stay with her at the White House…um…I mean the PINK House, if they help her get elected.
HAHA! True that! Envision Malia and Sasha “helping” Pinky prolong her WH visit by giving Bo & Sunny “panna dog” make-overs. Confusing the WH dog nannykeepers, Secret Service, and WH staff as they all bounce around the WH lawn. Hmmm, wonder if FL Michelle has any bamboo shoots or other suitable panna treats in her garden?
Pinky says, “if dere isn’t boo at the pink house garden already, i will plant lots when i am presydent. I am getting on da panna dog makeovers right now. Um….don’t tell mommee or malia or sasha’s daddee. Dey beder not shut down my panna cam again while i am campaigning. Dis will not stand!”
Me lips are sealed, right along wit me left eye! Can’t wait to see Bo & Sunny with der panna makeovers!
Prolly no camera shutdowns dis year. ‘Cause some of the ones ‘sponsible (or dey buddies) are gonna be too busy grabbing camera time for der campaigns! Hmmm, on second thought….when is the debate next week? Be sooo sad if dey had “techie difficults or someting”!!
I’m sure Pinky and the Panda Kindergarten will not make any attempts to disrupt the upcoming jello wrestling match…um…I meant to say Republican de…deb…de…hahahahahahha! I can’t say it. This will not be a debate. This will be a spectacle worthy of the panda kindergarten in a vat of frosting. I must find a television to watch this spectacle. Democracy in action! Huzzah!
HAHA! I hadn’t yet read your response here about the jello wrestling event tomorrow, but on Part Two of Mommee’s call to the WH, I strongly defended Pinks & crew! (But I did make a few suggestions that would make this ‘bate fiasco interesting! Add should be moderated by Panda Kindergarten!)
I think the panda kindergarten would be perfect moderators! Must find someplace to watch, as my den is not equipped with TV watching thingies. D you suppose National Panda Radio will broadcast?
Have to make sure the “moderators” don’t get too close to The Donald. That thing on his head may go into attack mode at the sight of such cuteness. Or at the least , some bugs may jump off on them! Would hate to see the Kindergarten required to wear flea & tick collars or (gasp) require F & T baths!
I’m sure NPR will broadcast, check their listings under “comedy”! Very smart not to have one of those time wasting TV thingies. But in cases like this, they are handy to have so you can actually see the smoke coming out of their ears when they lie!
Yeah, the spectacle of that thing that lives on the Donald’s head may be too great a temptation not to watch. Good point about the F&T problem. I will speak to the “moderators” to make sure they know not to get too close. I hope that “thing” has had it’s rabies shots! It could be violent.
Might have to find a bar to watch it, as alcohol would be “useful.”
I will check National Panda Radio’s comedy listings, in case I can’t find a TV.
I was going to suggest the “moderators” keep little cans of F&T spray tucked in their paws…just in case. But, may have a better idea! Ya know how (so I’ve heard…wink!) the ‘sinos have fresh oxygen circulating so players don’t get sleepy? The ‘bate venue could have “‘dustrial strength” F&T spray misting constantly!
And as a matter of Nat’l ‘Curity”, orange haired dude should have to produce a current rabies cert! ‘Pecially since he was adamant about seeing the Presydent’s papers!
Watching at a bar might be the best move, Chief. No way am I watching this circus w/o a couple of rounds of “Catnip Cocktails”!
Bring on the F&T spray and the catnip cocktails and bamboo-tinis! I think the orange haired dude should DEFINITELY have to produce a rabies cert! I’m liking my new tag line: orange is not the new black and white. Just saying. Now to find a place to watch the ‘bates tonight.