Halloween and Daylight Losing time!
But first, a word from the serious side of the mirror. Last week another friend passed away suddenly, much too early, too much loved by his friends and family. I didn’t know him well, but he and his wife are dear friends of a dear friend of mine. The several times I met him, I felt as if I was instantly accepted, so warm and caring was his personality. Life is so short, too short for some; too short for those who love them and are loved by them. You want to say that it will be okay, but really, this will never be okay.
It is by going on that we heal ourselves, our bruised hearts. And laughing. Laughing helps, and pandas help with that. I like to imagine that all the people I loved who are gone, meet in the afterlife. For someone who doesn’t subscribe to any religion, it is kind of funny that I imagine a hereafter. These people may not have ever met on this earthly plane, but that doesn’t matter. They are all connected by my knowing them, and this gives me comfort.
I hope it gives you comfort too.

For my departed friends….
And now for some Fabulous Furry Friday encore presentations!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites! Don’t forget to turn your clock back…or is that forward.?..this weekend!

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!
Peace through pandas…..
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
This brings me great comfort too at a time of personal loss too. And I often think of the line you use in the last panel, Sartre’s “l’enfer c’est les autres” in stressful circumstances. (Then I remember “there are pandas in the world,” imagine Princess Pinky in her tutu, and things seem better.)
Thanks for this Fabulous Furry Friday.
You’re most welcome. As long as there are still pandas, all is not lost, even if at times it seems that way.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I lost someone very close to me unexpectedly this past summer. Have been having a hard time dealing with it so I really appreciated your wonderful words of wisdom. The cartoon (heaven & hell) really made me laugh but then again they all make me laugh.Thanks again
I think that we have to feel these things fully, but then we need to find a way to keep going. Someone shared an essay with me just after this happened, that talked about continuing to carry these losses with us, but deciding to continue on in spite of them. You don’t forget, but sooner or later you get tired of being so sad all the time.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Laughing does help, so thank you for sharing panda satire with us! Even just seeing the Scottish pie and eye pandas gets me smiling. One of my favorite movies is Defending Your Life so I totally love the cuppycake buffet! Oh Bob, you are fantastic in your ever hopeful attempts to educate the panda kindergarten. Happy Halloween!
Thank you for joining me here, with all the laughing, crying and frosting on our paws and faces. When we quit laughing the terrorists have won, and all is lost.
Peace through Pandas!
I am so sorry about your friend’s passing. We all have different ways to deal with grief; some cry, some scream, some avoid the pain. But in the end, we eventually have to face the facts and admit that something tragic had happened, and that’s when laughter is always the best medicine. Thank you for giving us the outlet to laugh, with an occasional tear here and there.
Thank you and you’re welcome. :o) Somehow, eventually, I have always managed to laugh again. I will start worrying when I can’t do that anymore.
“These people may not have ever met on this earthly plane…but they are all connected by my knowing them, and this gives me comfort.”
Sheer beauty and brilliance. Thank you.
That line also moved me. I just lost my God-Mom, I take comfort in believing that her & my Mom (who was her best friend) are together again. Because they both loved & were owned by many cats, I imagine they are at “The Rainbow Bridge” surrounded by a great gathering of felines!
I’m sad for your loss too. I guess it is the price of admission. Doesn’t make it any easier, but it is always a reminder that we shouldn’t wait to do things that are important to us. The worst thing to regret is opportunities not taken.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. No matter how we try to “move on” something will trigger a memory of those dear who we lost. And it’s those good memories that keep us going!
Hey Bob, here’s my take on it:
“If there are no pets in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
My version: “If there are no ANIMALS in Heaven,……”
Where-ebber those pannas are, that’s where me want to be!!!
Yep, me and the pandas will share in the afterlife, where there will be plenty of cuppycakes, really good scotch, and no one who ever annoyed me. 🙂
“…where there will be plenty of … really good scotch…”
A wee dram of Glenfiddich18 yr is raised in your honor tonight.
(A toast to pandas far and wide.)
Sorry about the loss of your friend. I too find that cartoon comforting.
You might be interested to know that “your brain on pa” is sufficient to bring “your brain on pandas” up to the top of Google’s search suggestions.
Thank you , for both of those things. I guess we are at the age where these things will happen more often, but I still feel way too young for it to be happening to my contemporaries. I hope in your version of the hereafter, you can always get the best seats for all the plays, in all the theaters you have ever wanted to see, including some first run plays by Shakespeare.
Not even Heaven can supply enough cuppycakes for hungry pandas!
A lovely cartoon for a very sad time.
My thoughts are with you.
Thank you. Are you sure there are not enough cuppycakes to ease a sad heart? I could try….