It’s Crispmoss Eve! Do you have your cookies ready for Santa Paws?

Yes!!!! Tomorrow is the GRAND FINALE! KEEP SINGING!!!!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda!
I had a little inspiration on Twidder the other evening, and thought I’d share it with you hear, especially for you non- angry bird people!
‘Twas the night before Crispmoss
and all through the den,
the pandas were snoring
again and again
The pandas were sleeping
all snug in their beds
while visions of cuppycakes
danced in their heads
when out in the passage
there came such a clatter
did Redd just show up?
with his antics and chatter?
So Larry arose
and went out in the hall
He was very brave
though he is very small.
For Larry, the mouse,
He had a large task
he advises the panda kids
If they would ask!
Of course there was Pinky
who knew everything,
all that she asked, what
would Santa bring?
“Clap louder! Clap louder”
she said in a huff!
“Whatever he brings,
well, it won’t be enough!”
“I made up my list-
there’s volume 1 here”
Larry just stared,
Bubba wiggled his ears.
“yoo can’t boss around Santa”
her brother said sweetly.
“hah!” said the princess
“there’s no one to keep me!”
Then Ping in his dog suit
and Mikey and Frank
ran into a wall
in a little toy tank.
“you’re going to wake mommee!”
Said Pinky, aghast.
“now clean up dis mess,
and do it real fast!”
The bears all looked sheepish,
this was such a fuss.
Then Mikey and Frank said,
“That wasn’t us.”
“What is that racket?”
Mommee said with a yell,
“You all will be grounded
if no one will tell”
“Who wrecked the tank
right into the wall?”
The small pandas scattered
and ran down the hall
“It sure wasn’t us!”
As they ran out of sight
Merry Crispmoss to all
and to all nighty night!
Merry Crispmoss!